Because you live in St. Petersburg, you may not think a water heater is necessary. However, temperatures can drop into the 40’s and occasionally even in the 30’s during the winter, particularly at night. During those cold months, the pool can go unused because it’s just too cold to go swimming. Your personal lagoon is a significant cost and you probably spent a lot of time and money having it installed; make the most of your investment. Undergoing a pool heater installation will allow you to enjoy swimming all year long.

When you dip into that warm water in the middle of January, you will feel like you just stepped into a luxurious spa. Those warm waters will allow you to enjoy a relaxing swim month after month right here in St. Petersburg. If you’re ready to make the plunge and go through with a pool heater installation, there are two different types to consider.

Electric Heat Pump

Electric models rely on pumps to harness energy and produce warmth; the pumps themselves do not produce any heat. For Florida climates, electric versions work very efficiently, minimizing your electric bill. When temperatures get below 45 degrees, the pumps use up more energy to warm the water, so it may take a bit longer to get the water to a comfortable temperature. Electric models work well for smaller bodies of water, are relatively inexpensive to purchase, and are environmentally friendly since they produce no air pollution.

Gas Heaters

If you have a larger swimming area in St. Petersburg, you may want to consider a gas-fueled version for your pool heater installation. Gas-fueled versions use propane or natural gases to circulate and warm the water. They work best for short bursts of time, so are best for intermittent swimmers rather than prolonged use. They can warm up the water in a relatively short amount of time, so they are perfect for those spontaneous dips.

Other Factors

Before you make your decision, be sure to consult with a professional about your options. Different factors may affect your choice, such as the size of the heating unit, its efficiency for your specific needs, cost, and how much maintenance the unit will require.

Triangle Pool’s Pool Heater Installation

Triangle Pool offers pool heater installation services, repairs and cleaning. From small residential tanks to large community centers, they provide excellent service and maintenance year round. For more information or to schedule an appointment in St. Petersburg, call (727) 531-0473 or fill out the online form.