In the subtropical environment of St. Petersburg we are lucky to not be in need of intensive winter pool service in comparison to other parts of the country.  The fall and winter of Florida tend to be very mild, meaning there is little to worry about when it comes to autumn debris or freezing temperatures.  However, this does not mean that regular maintenance can take a back seat to the enjoyment of the wonderful weather.

Even in the winter months it is important to stay on top of the conditions in your backyard oasis.  Most people elect to enjoy the view and keep their swimming spot open year round in St. Petersburg rather than go through the hard work of closing it.  This, however, presents its own unique set of challenges and things to be mindful of.  Below is a pool service routine to keep your investment healthy and ready for the spring.

Winter Maintenance for a Warm Climate

First, be thankful that you don’t have to deal with the headache of closing your pool for the end of the season.  This eliminates many steps and precautions that you would otherwise have to deal with.  Despite that, your St Petersburg swimming area will still require regular pool service if you hope to keep it clean and damage free.  This is what you can expect to do in preparation for the winter months

  • Repair any air or water leaks you may have. Cooler weather can expose some of these faults and make them worse.
  • Store any chemicals inside, away from the elements. This also goes for any accessories you have too- keep them dry and fairly warm.
  • Remove debris often, especially from the skimmer and the pump basket. If left unattended these could possibly stain your liner and encourage algae growth.
  • Clean your filter. This is especially important when trying to avoid damage that cooler St. Petersburg weather can bring.

Once you have cleaned up and stowed the necessary supplies, you will then want to adopt a weekly pool service schedule.

Triangle is Your Pool Service Company

Some people simply don’t have the time to drop everything and run home in the event that their water pump needs to be turned on.  If that is the case, consider hiring a St. Petersburg pool service like Triangle Pool.  They have provided year round maintenance for Tampa area residents since 1959.  Their seasoned professionals will take great care of you and your swim area, providing unobtrusive and quick service week after week. Give them a call at (727) 531-0473 (or reach out online) to see how they can help you.