Even when the cold settles in here in Tampa, locals can keep enjoying time in their swimming hole. This is all a result of regular pool maintenance. Many people think winter means staying inside and curling up on a couch. How about getting some exercise and relaxation time in the water instead?

It is important to keep up with your water quality if you want to enjoy warm water all year long. Nobody in Tampa likes the idea of taking a dip in unclean water. Having warm, still water is the perfect environment for all kind of microbes. Thankfully, pool maintenance goes through numerous steps to make sure your swimming water is safe and clean, including:

Pool Maintenance Steps

  • Water Chemistry Check: As you are probably well-aware, you should check water chemistry regularly. Weekly tests and adjustments will ensure the right levels of chemicals are present in the water. Pool maintenance keeps track of chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness.
  • Equipment Check: If you don’t keep an eye on the equipment you risk letting small issues become complicated. This results in things being costly to fix. Your water pump and its motor will need to be cleaned regularly. Filters need to be replaced every few months also.
  • General Small Repairs: Keeping your swimming hole welcoming all throughout the winter means attending to any and all necessary repairs, no matter how small. It is important to repair any tear in the liner as soon as you notice it, or it could spread widely otherwise. Professionals will point out anything that might be wrong with your amenity, which gives you a chance to fix the problem before it becomes a costly repair work.

If you are looking for a reliable, local company in Tampa to take care of all of your pool maintenance needs, get in touch with Triangle Pool. With their help, you can customize your services to fit your needs perfectly. Contact Triangle Pool online or call 727-531-0473 to find out more about them and see how they can help you keep your backyard oasis ready for swimming all year round.